Three Children’s Franchises For Education And What Their Specialties Are

While there are any number of daycares and childcare centers that operate as educational children's franchises, schools (as a rule) are not franchised. However, if your child has been struggling in some way with aspects of his or her education, you may be looking for alternative programs that can help. Here are three educational franchises that may have a local branch near you, what their specialties are, and how they may be able to help your child.

ADHD Learning and Brain Re-Training

If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, he or she undoubtedly has many difficulties with focusing and staying on task in school, and these franchises can help. They usually employ psychatrists and therapists who develop individual curricula not only to meet your goals and your child's goals, but also help re-train your child's brain so that he or she has better focus and can sit still long enough to finish his or her homework. With regular attendance and practice skills for home use, you could notice a difference in your child's behavior and grades within a few months.

Autism/Asperger's and Education

Children with autism and Asperger's need a more flexible and stimulus-free environment with more consistent class and homework expectations. In addition to meeting these needs, your autistic/Aspie child is engaged through various devices that help him or her learn to communicate with others around him/her. If you have a nonverbal child, these educational franchises can show you other means of communicating with your child and how you may be able to get these methods or devices inexpensively. (Regularly-scheduled sessions also provide you with a break, since you can either sit in the waiting room during the work sessions or leave to run errands or have a cup of coffee in a quiet corner somewhere.)

Dyslexic Education

A third type of educational franchise focuses on children who have dyslexia and/or several related information-processing disorders. This is especially helpful to you, since you cannot see or understand what your child is seeing when he or she is looking at a page of words or numbers. The trained educators that work in these franchises can quickly identify what processing issues your child struggles with the most, and then utilizes special techniques that "translate" the words or numbers on the page into the language a dyslexic sees. Typically, any night that your child has schooolwork to do is a night when you may have to visit these centers. The training techniques will eventually help your child read and see things the way the non-dyslexic person does, and then you can begin to back off the number of sessions your child has and attends every week.

For more information, contact Challenge Island or a similar company.
